Nos partenaires

Historical partner of Play for Nature

The Parc Animalier d’Auvergne is an historical partner of Play for Nature, its president is the co-founder of the endowment fund. The Parc supports us in several actions: events hosting such as “La Tête dans les Étoiles”, la “Journée des Espèces Menacées” and the Kids Trail. The donation on payment terminals has been implemented since June 2022 in the various points of sale and the Euro Nature system created in 2019 allows us to donate 1.5€ of each entrance ticket to the fund.

Institutional partners

Play for Nature is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature since 2023 and leads a partnership with the French committee of the IUCN by participating in the selection committee of the Small Initiatives Program since 2022 and creating a call for proposals for sport and conservation projects with partners.

With 1,400 Member organizations in more than 160 countries and a network of 17,000 experts, IUCN is now the world’s largest and most diverse conservation network. The IUCN Red List is the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal and plant species. It relies on a series of specific criteria to assess the extinction risk of thousands of species and subspecies. It is recognized as the authoritative guide in the conservation world.

Financial partners of Play for Nature

Financial support dedicated to Biodiv'Educ

Biodiv’Educ has been supported by the European Regional Development Fund since its creation in 2019.

The foundation Terre d’Initiatives Solidaires brings its support for the financing of new workshops for the year 2023 and 2024.

The Michelin Corporate Foundation financially supports Biodiv’Educ for the creation of the workshops “Les Super-sens des animaux”, “Escape Game sur les zones humides”, “Un robot sur la route des animaux” and “Carto’trésor”.

Biodiv'Educ's associative partners

Since its creation, Biodiv’Educ has been trying to establish partnerships with other structures. So Biodiv’Educ is a member of REEA (Réseau d’Education à l’environnement en Auvergne) and FRENE (Réseau National d’Education à l’Environnement et au Développement Durable)

Do you know about My Little School Planet?

My Little School Planet is a series of ecological challenges for schools, colleges and high schools. It’s one or more leagues (1 league = 1 class) of 10 to 40 students from your school who play around a list of ecological challenges during 3 weeks. The program: a nice moment with your classes thanks to a funny game, students united around a common goal (the Planet!) and made aware of the good eco-gestures.

Eco-Ecole is the French version of Eco-Schools, an international education for sustainable development (ESD) program developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education. The association Teragir launched the Eco-Ecole program in 2005. The program aims to help students to better understand the world around them in order to flourish and participate in it. It is based on the mobilization of all the school actors (students, teachers, management, administrative and technical staff, etc.) but also of the territory (communities, associations, parents of students, etc.). Since its launch, the Eco-Ecole program has benefited from the support of the French Ministry of Education. This partnership resulted in January 2017 in the signing of a framework agreement for cooperation on ESD. To learn more, visit the program’s website:

Since 2022, Biodiv’Educ is a local relay for the eco-school network.

Biodiv'Educ a partner committed to nature

“Partenaires engagés pour la nature” is the program for associations, federations, foundations, trade unions, etc. to commit to biodiversity. It is an integral part of the “Engagés pour la nature “ initiative. Initiated by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and supported by the French Office of Biodiversity (OFB), it aims to strengthen the mobilization of all civil society and multiply commitments to curb the erosion of biodiversity.

Biodiv’Educ is committed to the following 2 key actions: