Who are we?

Play for Nature was founded in 2013 and is recognized as a public benefit and humanitarian organization. Member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), it is involved in the preservation of endangered species and their ecosystems in France and around the world.


Our project

Play for Nature has become an expert in research and evaluation of in situ conservation programs. Programs supported by Play for Nature have always included both wildlife and biodiversity in natural settings, without forgetting the human aspect. Thus, it is the natural ecosystem as a whole as well as the relationship of the programs with the local population that are taken into account in the selection process.

Engaged with the local populations for the preservation of biodiversity and endangered species, Play for Nature supports technically and financially the cohesion between humans and their ecosystems through awareness-raising, support for scientific research and sporting events around the world.

Play for Nature is a member of the French Center for Funds and Foundations (CFFF). As an endowment fund, it is recognized as being of general interest and can therefore benefit from donations and legacies, and donors (individuals and companies) can benefit from tax advantages.

Notre équipe


Cécile Joly

Directrice Play for Nature

En tant que directrice, elle met ses connaissances techniques, sa polyvalence et ses convictions au service de la protection de la biodiversité et du développement de Play for Nature.


Cécile SABA

Directrice Biodiv’Educ

Attachée à la transmission des connaissances scientifiques, elle met sa pédagogie, sa polyvalence et ses convictions au service de la sensibilisation des enfants à l’environnement.



Responsable pédagogique Biodiv’Educ

En sa qualité d’animatrice nature, et dotée d’un sens du relationnel certain, elle met à contribution ses qualités pédagogiques au service de l’éducation à l’environnement et au développement durable.

Our executive board




Ancien rugbyman international, fondateur de Fair Play For Planet, trésorier de Biodiv’Educ et président co-fondateur de Play For Nature.




Président du Parc Animalier d’Auvergne, directeur de Biodiv’Educ et trésorier co-fondateur de Play for Nature.




Doctorante en éthologie, fondatrice du bureau d’étude Akongo, impliquée depuis plus de 10 ans dans pour des projets de conservation et de recherche sur le bien-être animal.


Natacha de Saint-Vincent


Directrice générale chez Francis Lefebvre Formation.

Our ethical and scientific committee

Our ethical and scientific committee sits for a 3-year term. It represents the expression of the philosophical and moral values that drive Play for Nature and works independently and impartially. It is composed of the following members:


Gil ALma

Acteur, producteur, humoriste engagé


Yann locatelli

Maître de conférence Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle et codirecteur Réserver Zoologique de la Haute-Touche


Thierry Marsilhac

Producteur fondateur de Glob Editions


Christophe noiseux

Journaliste présentateur de l'émision H20 à France Bleu Pays d'Auvergne


Paul estève

Chargé du Programme des Petites Initiatives du Comité Français de l'UICN


Chloé trespeuch

Snowboardeuse professionnelle, double médaillée olympique

Our volunteers

Becoming a Play for Nature volunteer means committing yourself to the protection of biodiversity and endangered species, but also immersing yourself in an incredible adventure, rich in encounters (human and animal), experiences and personal accomplishment.

It is certain that each of you has something to contribute to Play for Nature. Join our volunteers who put their talents, skills, ideas and free time at the service of the animal cause every day.