
Snow Leopard Trust

The Snow Leopard Trust, supported since 2013 by Play for Nature, is the oldest organisation dedicated to the protection of the snow leopard, threatened in its natural environment.

Snow Leopard Trust

Snow Leopard Trust (SLT) works with government and conservationists in more than 12 countries, including Mongolia, home to the second largest snow leopard population in the world.

The population of this species is declining due to habitat destruction and fragmentation, poaching, reduction in the number of wild prey, and the proximity of farmers and their livestock with snow leopards which can lead to conflict and retaliation.

In each of the countries, the association carries out several projects at the same time: community conservation education programmes, scientific research and the development of protection actions. In 2008, the Snow Leopard Trust launched the first long-term ecological study on the snow leopard using GPS collars (more than 30 snow leopards are now equipped with these collars). The study has already provided biological, behavioural and territorial knowledge on this emblematic Asian animal that is difficult to observe in the wild. The study of camera traps in 5 countries over many years has enabled SLT to build up the largest collection of photos of snow leopards in the wild.

Our support

We support the Snow Leopard Trust in their conduct of the ecological study and their “predation prevention” project, which consists of setting up systems to protect agricultural pastures from encroaching on the territory of the snow leopards and to prevent them from attacking domestic animals, allowing their wild prey to return to the area.

The study also extends to the protection of snow leopard prey such as Siberian Ibex and Argalis. The team is working with the rangers to monitor the evolution of their populations with GPS collars and to ensure better management of the reserve by all stakeholders.

In 2021, our support of €10,000 financed part of the costs necessary to manage this study and monitor the individuals.